Complete Aquarium Setup For Sale
(too old to reply)
19 years ago
10 gallon aquarium for sale.

Includes everything you need to get started! The aquarium uses Whisper
filter, and contains a full hood that is fairly new (still have the box,
orig cost about $35). The hood has fluorescent (not yellow incandescent)
light that gives the aquarium a nice bright look. Setup also includes
- colorful gravel and stones mix
- aquarium heater
- aerator with air tube and air stone
- sunken ship ornament
- artificial plants
- aquarium background
- thermometer
- small square bucket container
- aquarium vacuum hose

I'll also throw in 3 new biobag replacement filters for the Whisper filter,
fish food, and Aqua Safe solution used to declorinate and remove ammonia to
make the water safer for the fish. Setup will also come with Wrought-Iron
Aquarium Stand, originally about $45 plus tax from the Christiansburg pet
store. Current inhabitants of the tank include 2 fancy tail guppies, 3 zebra
danios, and 1 black skirt tetra. Great addition to any home or office!


asking $55 OBO Please email purity_77 (at) yahoo dot com. Thanks.
19 years ago
Will be out of town until March 28. can contact me through email within the
next week, and I'll try to get back to you. Thanks.